Here is one of those electric scooters, already anaethetised ready for surgery. It’s in a pretty sorry state: the front fork has sheared right off and is bent and mangled, while the steering bearing is loose and wobbles alarmingly. The thing is almost impossible to open, but can be forced.
This website is not masterful. It is devoted to things I do either because they need doing, or because I enjoy doing them, and which someone else might possibly want to do. Perhaps if my mistakes are included here in enough detail someone else might not make them…
I am not an engineer, or a software developer, or a mechanic, or a carpenter, or a bookbinder, or anything else I might pretend to be on these pages. I am just an Amateur, but in real life I’m a PhD student in Theology. Except insofar as the aformentioned things I am not come in to it, this is unlikely to be apparent here.
This website is purely static, and is the successor to a wordpress blog.