Like many ageing Honda Civics our VSA and ABS lights have been coming on
sporadically for the last few months. Now they’re stuck on all the time.
First I suspected the battery, so I duly measured the no-load voltage (~12.6V:
not great, but not awful either), the voltage dip when running the fuel pumps,
(~11.6V) and the voltage dip when starting (briefly around 10V, but I didn’t
have a scope on it). Yep, the battery is ageing. What about its internal
resistance? Everyone did this at school, right—you put a load across the
battery, measure the current through the load and the voltage across the
terminals before and after; then you assume that voltage was dropped across the
internal resistance and do R=V/I. The trouble is that the voltage drop is tiny,
so you need a reasonable current. I couldn’t find any decent loads, but any
load will do if you have an ammeter in series, so I disconnected the negative
lead and used the car itself. Since the alarm promptly started going off (next
time lock the car door!) that formed one data point, and then I turned the
running lights on for the other. With the multimeter in relative mode even the
subtraction was done for me:
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