ClosedFridge: RIP OpenFridge

ClosedFridge: RIP OpenFridge

Refrigerate in peace, OpenFridge.

The hardware OpenFridge was controlling is no more. It now looks like this:

Obviously, it should not look like this. What follows is a post-mortem, because it is worth learning from one’s mistakes.

The final moments of a fridge

After fixing the defrost I did not get around to replacing the blown thermal fuse. The Chinese sensors were supplied with some kind of wire which breaks if you so much as look at it, and I was afraid I would knock the wire at some point and crash the system. Two nights ago, putting something in the fridge, I knocked one block and wondered if I had indeed snapped the wire—but I didn’t look. Last night my wife complained that the fridge was ‘melting’, at which point I assumed the sensor had indeed failed, and the fridge had used stale data and failed to cool. No, she meant the fridge was melting, or more specifically the freezer: the plastic has melted, flown down into the heat exchange, and then fused in situ. The whole thing is now one lump and cannot be separated.

The sensor had indeed come detached. I stripped the broken wire, screwed it into the block, and rebooted the fridge, at which point it instantly went into deep freeze mode. The freezer was sitting at around 50 C, whilst the fridge had only got up to room temperature. The element was still hot to the touch, but I think the defrost had actually finished a while before. A chicken breast in the freezer had actually been cooked, and all the (little) food in it was ruined; but there was still ice in the bottom drawer.

After a few minutes of cooling (with almost no air getting through the blocked heat exchange to cool the freezer) everything was at a normal temperature and the food in the fridge could be transferred out (it was all fine), the food in the freezer binned, the controller hardware stripped away and the fridge removed from the kitchen. Then I spent the evening cleaning up, moving things around, moping around, and wondering how I could be so very stupid.

We had another separate fridge and freezer, and placing them side by side where the fridge was we now have another work surface and a lot more light in the room. My wife professes to prefer it this way, and I don’t think she’s just trying to make me feel better. So all is not too bad: and it could have caught fire in the night or something horrible. What follows is an attempt to understand what did happen.


In order to understand how something like this could happen, it’s necessary to look at the architecture of OpenFridge. The basic coding pattern is to isolate all hardware interfaces inside HALs which respond to events (’turn on’, ’turn off’, ‘raise temperature’) and take the appropriate actions by themselves. Thus the control loop is extremely simple, and is full of statements like this:

if hal.sensors["fridge_temp"] < settings.get("fridge_setpoint") - settings.get("hysteresis"):
    if debugging:
        logger.debug("Fridge under temperature")
    hal.fridge_freezer.refridgerating = False

A similar control loop runs for refrigerating, and another for defrosting. The fridge_freezer class has properties—defrosting, freezing, refridgerating [sic]—and setting them causes it to change state. It then works out the appropriate state for the hardware and commands that state to a the HAL it inherits from. Some states are in conflict: you cannot be at once heating and cooling. The control loop further checks that the commanded state is not in conflict, forbidding turning on heating and cooling at once, or turning the compressor on if it has been turned off in the last 5 minutes (thus giving the gas time to reliquify, preventing undue load when starting the motor). These double checks exist because the hardware can be directly controlled by the API for testing purposes, and we still want safeguards.

OpenFridge uses a crude way of getting these synchronous properties into an asychronous control loop:

class FridgeFreezer(HAL):
    def freezing(self):
        return self._freezing
    def freezing(self, val):
        if val and self.defrosting:
            raise FridgeError("Not allowed to freeze when defrosting")
        self._freezing = val
        if not val:
            self.set_state("fan", False)
            if not self._refridgerating:
                self.set_state("compressor", False)
                self.set_state("deep_freeze", False)
            self.set_state("fan", True)
            self.set_state("compressor", True)
    def set_state(self, name, val):
        self._state[name] = True if val else False

I’ve simplified a bit: set_state belongs on the underlying HAL, whereas freezing is a property of the derived FridgeFreezer. Then in the hardware_control_loop, ignoring all the code for mocked control and conflict checking, we have:

async def hardware_control_loop(self):
    while True:
        for name, val in self._state.items():
            if self.achieved_state(name):
            elif safe_to_achieve_state(name): # dummy
                await self._set_output(name, val)
        await asyncio.sleep(1)

This introduces a latency of at least 1 second between setting an output and the hardware responding, but that doesn’t matter here. The wdt is fed from this loop, as I was mostly interested in keeping this loop alive—after all, if it’s running, we can’t get into any horrible state, can we? Oops. Having an .achieved_state method is no bad thing, as we can use it in debugging. But all this could be much better written using an awaitable event with message, which is what I now do:

async def _loop(self):
    while True:
        msg = await self._update.wait()
        if msg is self.HEATING_ON:

For this idiom we would need either to re-set the message, or use an queue and only pop the task when we actually apply it. But the advantage is near-instantaneous transition from the synchronous property to the hardware doing what you want, despite having to wait for the event loop to call your code.

Sensor reading code

Here is the sensor reading code:

async def get_temps()
    sensors = {
        "freezer_temp": None,
        "fridge_temp": None,
        "ext_temp": None,
        "cooler_temp": None,

    for _ in range(5):
        await asyncio.sleep(1)
        for sensor in sensors:
            if sensors[sensor]:
            rom = getattr(config, sensor.replace("temp", "rom"))
            temp = sens.read_temp(rom)
            if temp != 85:
                sensors[sensor] = temp
        if all(x for _, x in sensors.items()):
        await asyncio.sleep_ms(100)
    return sensors

This code is rather odd, so it needs some explanation. sens is a sensor object, which communicates with the DS18X20 clones I’m using. Sometimes those sensors can fail to read, in which case they return 85. It is possible to distinguish this false 85 C from a true reading of 85 C, but since the fridge was not supposed to get up to 85 C in the first place I simply checked it directly. What we do is:

  • Trigger all the sensors to measure temperature
  • Wait for them to do it
  • Get the right rom code and address the bus to query the result for that sensor
  • If the reading is 85, ignore it, else assign it
  • If all sensors have been read successfully, return them, else keep trying for a maximum of 5 attempts.

Incidentally, this is not the best style in the world: all(sensors.values()) would have been better than all(x for _, x in sensors.items()), although all(1 for _, x in sensors.items()) would still have been better than what I wrote; and for sensor in (x for x in sensors if not sensors[x]) might well have been more readable than continuing immediately. But the code as written worked fine for more than a year. The trouble is in the line:

temp = sens.read_temp(rom)

Detach the sensor and this raises an error, rather than returning 85. At that point, following the logic of this function, we should return None, so that comparisons will fail higher up the call stack. Instead we will raise an uncaught error and die. Worse, here is the calling code:

async def temp_loop():
    global sensors
    while True:
        while not mock_temps:
            sensors = await get_temps()
            await asyncio.sleep(5)


        while mock_temps:
            await asyncio.sleep(1)

Ignore the bit about mocking: that was used by the functional test routines to simulate different conditions. The event is used to signal to the test function that we have entered mocking mode, as depending on the load it can take a while to get back to the loop, and of course the loop has a 5s delay.

If get_temps() raises here, it will propagate back up this loop, which, without an exception handler, will die. Now the rest of the event loop will continue on its merry way with the (stale) values, and the stage is set for the denouement.

I thought of this problem a long time ago, and I now use a much more robust temperature loop which captures exceptions originating at the hardware level, but I was holding off touching the OpenFridge code until I’d finished writing and testing some unrelated HTTP authentication code for the API.

Defrosting Code

Here is the defrosting code. It contains only one error:

async def _defrost():
    for i in range(60):
            hal.fridge_freezer.defrosting = True
        except FridgeError:
            await asyncio.sleep(10)
    if not hal.fridge_freezer.defrosting:"Failed to start defrosting: timed out waiting")

    while not hal.fridge_freezer.achieved_state("heaters"):
        await asyncio.sleep(10)

    # defrost till element reaches 10C or 120 minutes is up
    for i in range(60 * 12):
        if hal.sensors["cooler_temp"] >= 2:
        await asyncio.sleep(10)
    await asyncio.sleep(60 * 5)  # reduce thermal stress
    hal.fridge_freezer.defrosting = False

Here we try to start defrosting for a maximum of 600s, and give up if we can’t. If we can, we defrost ‘until the element reaches 10C or 120 minutes is up’. The error is that number: 120 minutes is far too long a defrost cycle. It was initially half an hour, but I increased it when trying to work out why the freezer was icing up whilst the thermal fuse was blown and thus the heater wasn’t coming on at all. The gentle heating I thought I was seeing was actually just loss to the environment. I noticed this as soon as I removed the blown fuse, but forgot to go and change that constant for a smaller number. Had it been only 30 minutes, the Freezer would be absolutely fine. Had it been 60 minutes, the freezer would likely be mostly intact. In point of fact two hours of defrosting—over by time we got to the freezer—cooked a chicken breast very nicely!

False Assumptions

When I knocked the wire I immediately thought of the risk, but I didn’t worry about it since I assumed a dead sensor would cause an error to propagate, rebooting the fridge, at which point failure would be obvious. It would be stuck in a reboot cycle (with all the hardware off), would fail to light up when opened, and I could fix the problem and carry on. Nothing could get over-temperature, because I hadn’t damaged the all-important cooler sensor. This assumption was wrong in several ways:

  • I had not in fact implemented the stale reading timeout I since use as standard in all my code, so it happily believed the old readings were true.

  • Whilst the other three sensors functioned perfectly correctly, the code was brittle: it couldn’t cope with even a single failure.

  • There was in fact no guarantee that throwing an exception would terminate the program. This is something to bear in mind in asyncio code: we are so used to the synchronous assumption that throwing an uncaught exception terminates everything we rarely think about writing error handlers for unrecoverable cases. Throwing an exception in asyncio code does not terminate the loop by default.

This latter point is counter-intuitive. Consider the following code:

# /tmp/
import asyncio

async def errorfn():
    raise Exception("Error")

async def otherfn():
    await asyncio.sleep(1)
    print("I'm running")

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

What happens if you run this? The answer is this:

Task exception was never retrieved
future: <Task finished name='Task-1' coro=<errorfn() done, defined at /tmp/> exception=Exception('Error')>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/tmp/", line 5, in errorfn
    raise Exception("Error")
Exception: Error
I'm running

The worst thing is that I was well aware of this, and part of the work due to be done on OpenFridge was to add a general bail-out-now function which signalled that our current state really wasn’t good enough. Of course, this should be checked in the watchdog, but I was only using the watchdog to detect if the loop was running at all—because sometimes the whole processor would lock up for (I suspect) EMI related reasons.


OpenFridge controlled an otherwise dead fridge-freezer correctly for over a year. I bought this fridge-freezer for £90 around three years ago: since then:

  • the power failed with a full load of food and I had to clean it out
  • the controller failed and was replaced with a breadboarded controller
  • the defrosting failed with that controller after it got into a conflicted state (heating and cooling at once) and it was extensively re-written to avoid conflicts. (This worked very well and is the basis for all embedded code I’ve written since.)

We got another year out of a junk fridge; I got a lot of experience writing asyncio code in python, and a stable architecture for embedded systems with asyncio; and now we’ve got a lot more space in the kitchen, and a fair bit more light.

Still, I’m sad to see it go: a lot of work went into that fridge. Particularly for a completely avoidable bug I had actually predicted but hadn’t got round to fixing.

Some takeaways:

  • Always pick safe fallback defaults. 120 minutes’ defrosting was a stupid value.
  • Look hard at failure points in asynchronous code. You need to handle errors early, yourself.
  • Replace brittle code as soon as you notice the assumptions.
  • Don’t leave state lying around if the code updating it has died.
  • Replace your hardware interlocks pronto. It was alright to run the fridge without the fuse for a few days to stop the food going off. It wasn’t alright to run it that way for a few months.

The lesson is very simple: always have a hardware interlock. A £0.60 thermal fuse would have saved the whole system, and OpenFridge would still be running today.