Microwave Repair and Volume Control

My microwave went on the blink, a few days before I got married. It started turning itself on, randomly, as soon as it was plugged in. You could use it—I did in fact use it—by putting something inside, waiting for it to turn on, and then opening the door after the required time had elapsed. Hardly ideal. I unplugged it and left it for later—there were other things to think about after all…

Fast forward a few months, and not having a microwave in one’s married home is getting annoying. I don’t use it much (and my wife hardly uses it at all), but it is easier to make hot chocolate in, and I will stoop to cooking peas in it as well. And reheating coffee. Thus, time to take it all apart. (Last time I did this it was the cancel switch. Plus ça change…)

Here is the whole thing poked and prodded till we can get at the front board:


and then, as before, to remove the offending switch and replace it with another, which I cut to size from another old board as I don’t stock these things:

Whilst I was at it I fitted something all microwaves should have—a potentiometer in series with the piezo speaker:

Now I can turn it down. After years of being bothered by beepy self-important electronics, I can finally get some peace…